Turkish finale - The Abduction from the Seraglio (Die Entführung aus dem Serail), 1782 by Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart ACT III Finale:Turkish Janissary band is singing to praise The Pasha for a change. He, at least, turned out noble and generous in the end. 莫札特歌劇"後宮的誘逃“最終章,讚美國王The Pasha的寬大仁慈
Janissary music was the inspiration to Mozart making turkish style. It's especially when oriental flavor did being popular in 18th-century European society. Ottoman military bands are thought to be the oldest kind of military marching band. The music was for military on wars, special days and the presence of khans (supreme rulers of turkish tribes; “Tuğ” Türk XI. century). In Ottoman, the band was generally known as mehterân (مهتران), though those bands used in the retinue of a vizier or prince were generally known as mehterhane (مهترخانه, meaning roughly, "a gathering of mehters"). In modern Turkish, the band is often termed mehter takımı "mehter team". In the West, the band's music is also often called Janissary music because the janissaries formed the core of the bands.

Sunday, December 20, 2009

Carmen Herrera

Carmen Herrera at Ikon Gallery, Birmingham, UK
Hard-edged abstraction硬邊抽象; 極限主義;幾何抽象;色塊color field
Herrera本人並沒有把自己的藝術劃進任何特別的風格形式;她形容“ euphoria kept in perfect order."在完美的平衡裡一種輕快的狀態。Garmen Herrera女性,出生於古巴,而約25歲時移居美國紐約,又在50多歲時搬到法國巴黎。一生都從事繪畫工作,可是直到她八十九歲時,(當時已經畫畫超過六十多年了)才第一次賣出她的作品;也就是從這個時候開始漸受到倫敦、紐約的藝術界所注意,慢慢獲得越來越多的掌聲,而今年(2009)94歲,各界給予她很高很高的藝術評價,也算是遲來的功成名就。有趣的是,據紐約時代的報導,沒有意外的話,Herrera的成就將被寫入藝術史中,而三、四十年來西方的藝術世界,一直都在追逐年輕的、新的藝術家,就好像追求知名偶像一樣,如今Herrera能在這樣的情狀氛圍中,終於被發現,真的非常不容易。這些本來就該是屬於她的榮譽。

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