Turkish finale - The Abduction from the Seraglio (Die Entführung aus dem Serail), 1782 by Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart ACT III Finale:Turkish Janissary band is singing to praise The Pasha for a change. He, at least, turned out noble and generous in the end. 莫札特歌劇"後宮的誘逃“最終章,讚美國王The Pasha的寬大仁慈
Janissary music was the inspiration to Mozart making turkish style. It's especially when oriental flavor did being popular in 18th-century European society. Ottoman military bands are thought to be the oldest kind of military marching band. The music was for military on wars, special days and the presence of khans (supreme rulers of turkish tribes; “Tuğ” Türk XI. century). In Ottoman, the band was generally known as mehterân (مهتران), though those bands used in the retinue of a vizier or prince were generally known as mehterhane (مهترخانه, meaning roughly, "a gathering of mehters"). In modern Turkish, the band is often termed mehter takımı "mehter team". In the West, the band's music is also often called Janissary music because the janissaries formed the core of the bands.

Friday, February 12, 2010

Jacques Callot

這裡描繪著十七世紀時,因為宗教戰爭戰敗而被吊死在樹上的人。十七世紀的歐洲大陸,因為新教與天主教會的對立,引起了三十年戰爭Thirty Years' War (1618–1648),過程非常慘烈,整個改變了後來歐洲的政治版圖。而法國藝術家Jacques Callot(ce 1592–1635)製作了一系列共十八張圖案的版畫 — “戰爭的慘烈”Les Grandes Misères de la guerre (The Large Miseries of War),印刷術的逐漸發達,Jacques Callot精巧的把親身經歷過的事件,一一描繪下來,控訴著軍隊的殘酷罪行;這些軍隊藉由戰爭的侵犯,四處掠奪,帶來了貧窮與徹底的毀壞。吊死人的樹底下的文字 — Jacques Callot寫著:這些敗壞可惡的強盜,最後全部在樹上吊死;就好像樹上長出了不幸的果實,再沒多久他們也還要接受天國的審判。這系列是歷史上第一部反戰的藝術作品。

Jacques Callot(ce 1592–1635)十七世紀在法國與尼德蘭地區,專長印刷製版,尤其是小尺寸方便印刷發行的圖版;圖案內容通常與當時實際發生的事件有關。


  1. What the hell are u doing now??
    Give me a call or write mail to me!
