Turkish finale - The Abduction from the Seraglio (Die Entführung aus dem Serail), 1782 by Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart ACT III Finale:Turkish Janissary band is singing to praise The Pasha for a change. He, at least, turned out noble and generous in the end. 莫札特歌劇"後宮的誘逃“最終章,讚美國王The Pasha的寬大仁慈
Janissary music was the inspiration to Mozart making turkish style. It's especially when oriental flavor did being popular in 18th-century European society. Ottoman military bands are thought to be the oldest kind of military marching band. The music was for military on wars, special days and the presence of khans (supreme rulers of turkish tribes; “Tuğ” Türk XI. century). In Ottoman, the band was generally known as mehterân (مهتران), though those bands used in the retinue of a vizier or prince were generally known as mehterhane (مهترخانه, meaning roughly, "a gathering of mehters"). In modern Turkish, the band is often termed mehter takımı "mehter team". In the West, the band's music is also often called Janissary music because the janissaries formed the core of the bands.

Friday, January 25, 2013

The Miracle of St Mark Rescuing the Slave

Jacopo Tintoretto
The Miracle of St Mark Rescuing the Slave
1548, oil on canvas, 416 × 544 cm
Galleria dell’Accademia, Venice

主題是 St Mark的一個神蹟故事,而St Mark是威尼斯重要的守護聖徒(Patron Saint)。一位騎士(a knight of Provence)的僕人是虔誠信徒,前往敬拜St Mark的聖遺骸(the relics of the saint);然而身為主人的騎士不認同這個信仰,禁止這崇拜行為,惱怒僕人已經違抗命令。於是下令懲罰,要砍斷僕人的雙腳和剝除他的兩個眼睛。依據Jacobus de Voragine的黃金傳說(Golden Legend, the 13th century),就在懲罰行刑進行中,St Mark奇蹟式的顯靈,發出神蹟讓砍腳的斧頭柄和刺雙眼的木條一一斷裂,僕人的身體受到保護沒有任何傷害,現場的士兵、護衛和群眾看到這個神蹟,全部人都驚異地目瞪口呆。

Tintoretto在這幅作品的的畫面處理,在構圖部份就像是舞台配置一樣,古典建築的場景前面,人群聚集地圍繞著中央的事件主題,聚集的人物與人物緊貼著,每個人都有不同動態的肢勢,有驅著身體,有的伸長手臂,頭戴白色頭巾(Turban)的侍衛高舉展示那意外斷柄的斧頭,而人物臉上的表情大部份都異常沈靜。肢勢與表情的不一致,在畫面中不但沒有消抹奇蹟發生時一瞬間的激動,還增添一股肅穆的神聖。畫面上方從天而降的就是發出神蹟的St Mark,頭部屏發出的光芒不僅是施展出的神奇力量,也同時照亮了現場四周的環境。頭下腳上前縮降下的身體,好像是從畫面前方進入到畫面裡面一樣。這樣的描繪方式讓畫面裡的場景,更像是立體的真實影像,我們在畫面前方不知不覺也進入了故事場景裡面,就好像和所有人物一起親臨現場一般。

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