Turkish finale - The Abduction from the Seraglio (Die Entführung aus dem Serail), 1782 by Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart ACT III Finale:Turkish Janissary band is singing to praise The Pasha for a change. He, at least, turned out noble and generous in the end. 莫札特歌劇"後宮的誘逃“最終章,讚美國王The Pasha的寬大仁慈
Janissary music was the inspiration to Mozart making turkish style. It's especially when oriental flavor did being popular in 18th-century European society. Ottoman military bands are thought to be the oldest kind of military marching band. The music was for military on wars, special days and the presence of khans (supreme rulers of turkish tribes; “Tuğ” Türk XI. century). In Ottoman, the band was generally known as mehterân (مهتران), though those bands used in the retinue of a vizier or prince were generally known as mehterhane (مهترخانه, meaning roughly, "a gathering of mehters"). In modern Turkish, the band is often termed mehter takımı "mehter team". In the West, the band's music is also often called Janissary music because the janissaries formed the core of the bands.

Friday, January 8, 2010


風格:在時代的推移中,繪畫風格本身會受到各種外在與內在的影響而表現出所謂的風格變化stylistic changes。時代風格periodic style指的是整個時代在其藝術上所反應的面貌,因其時代特徵periodic characteristics會在當時所有(包括不同派別)的作品中出現,它和一般較熟悉的個人風格personal style不同。大體上來說,時代風格指的是在構圖composition上所表現出的結構structure。一旦時間轉變,繪畫結構的模式也就自然地顯現出它在風格上的變化,亦即時代延續過程中所導致的結構變化。在任何一個時段中,除了藝術家們共同所反應出的時代風格外,毎個畫家都有他獨特的個人風格。而個人風格之能夠被欣賞、摹仿、假造的部份,多半皆是由該畫家作品中常見之大、小“母題“motifs的外貌及其“筆法“brush modes的形狀等的外表皮相;就好像是穿上與某為名人一樣的衣裝,弄個類似的髮型、姿勢以及說話的樣子,摹仿冒充他/她本人。要更深入地暸解某為畫家真正、內在的心靈,我們就必須要抓住其“心印“—這位藝術家的筆觸、用筆、用墨,那些無法抄襲的、具有自律性而不能被控制的生理因素,也就是該藝術家作品本身的最基本個人因素,就好比DNA。

研究風格的本質、差異即其變化的原因與過程,幾乎是藝術史學的基本工作。藝術史學者必須能從一張畫的結構方式中辨認出作品所屬的年代。而結構分析structural analysis在藝術史學上佔據極重要的地位。


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